Sister of teacher killed in car accident calls on police to do a more thorough investigation
Janice Wiltshire
November 15, 2019

Sister of teacher killed in car accident calls on police to do a more thorough investigation

The eldest sister of the late Keriel Wiltshire is very dissatisfied with the investigations so far into the circumstances which led to her sister’s death.

Janice, who resides in the United States, told SEARCHLIGHT by phone on November 7, that she has been getting information through family members here, since “the untimely death of my sister, the gruesome death of my sister.”

Janice’s younger sister Keriel was killed on the eve of SVG’s Independence Day. The 46-year-old grade 4 teacher of the Brighton Methodist School was hit by motor vehicle PC 6690 being driven by one Mario Wilson of Diamond.

Reports are that Wilson was tasked with dropping Keriel off at a friend’s house in Harmony Hall and had just done so, when moments after Keriel alighted, the vehicle moved forward instead of reversing, slamming into her.

From the information that Janice has been hearing through family members, she believes that there is a particularly important piece of evidence that the police should be considering which is contained on her sister’s cellphone. She also believes the police need to do a background check on two persons.

Speaking about the death of her sister, she commented, frustration straining her voice, “This is really bad, I’m very hurt about this whole thing. It is very sickening and sad, and the family cannot cope.”

“We [weren’t] expecting it…I mean they say nobody know when they gonna die and all this thing, but come on!” Janice cried.
The aggrieved relative stated that “the Vincentian system stinks.”

“The citizens not getting justice, you know, they have nobody to represent them,” she continued.

“This is not right. How can you, police officers down there, you go on a murder scene…evidence… you met a dead body, somebody lying dead, a woman lying under a car…you suppose to do some,” thorough investigations, she stated.

“I need to have a talk with that man they call Ralph Gonsalves, the Prime Minister, I’m not scared of nobody,” as well as the Commissioner of Police Colin John, the sister stated.

“I need to speak to these people, because I need justice for my sister. Justice has to be served for Keriel Wiltshire,” commented Janice, who said she hasn’t been able to sleep since Keriel’s death.

Janice stated that her sister’s cellphone is now in the hands of the police, according to her sister based here in SVG.

Family members have spoken to the Deputy Commissioner Frankie Joseph, she claims, and he maintains that the police are investigating.

The family member who remains in the US on “doctor’s assignment” unable to come to SVG even to attend Keriel’s funeral repeated, “I’m hurt over here. I’m hurt. I need justice for Keriel.”