DTVE students visit the stores section of VINLEC
DTVE STUDENTS at the Store Section of VINLEC to gain experience in working
November 8, 2019

DTVE students visit the stores section of VINLEC

Twenty-six students from the St Vincent and the Grenadines Community College, Division of Technical and Vocational Education, recently visited the Stores Section at St Vincent Electricity Services Limited (VINLEC) to gain some practical experience in that working environment. The Stores Section is a part of the Company’s Finance Department and is responsible for procurement and storage of supplies.

The students, who are enrolled in the Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management Programme at the College, are currently taking a course in Inventory Stock System and Store Keeping which focuses on local procurement. The field trip to the Stores Section at VINLEC also provided guidance to the students on how to prepare their own inventory forms, for an upcoming school project.

On Tuesday November 5, personnel from the Section showed the students documents such as invoices, purchase orders and requisition forms. The concept of warehouse management was explained to the attendees intricately. Other key topics addressed were warehouse controls and purchasing techniques, areas in the field of work which help to ensure mutually beneficial buyer/supplier relationships.

Lecturer, Michelle Cumberbatch pointed out that the in depth explanation on Customs procedures will help her students gain an advantage. She explained that the course does not address procedures to procure supplies sourced outside of the country. Therefore, she believes this additional information would benefit her students, who are all hopeful future entrepreneurs.

According to Louisa James, VINLEC’s Materials Management Officer, hosting the students is part of the company’s philosophy of improving the lives of Vincentians by imparting knowledge, especially to the younger generation. It was the first time that students taking the Inventory Stock System and Store Keeping course visited VINLEC’s Stores Section.