Government will continue to build low income houses, give out materials – PM
A section of the crowd at the Independence Parade at Victoria Park last Sunday.
November 1, 2019

Government will continue to build low income houses, give out materials – PM

The Government will not stop the distribution of building material or the building low income homes in the months leading up to the next general elections, no matter what anyone says.

Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves, speaking at the official ceremony for the distribution of letters for land titles at the Chatoyer National Park at Rabacca on Monday said there have been complaints that because elections may be less than one year away, the Government should stop their housing program.

Dr Ralph Gonsalves

“Why they say that? Because you influencing people to vote for you. So let me ask you something. What they doing? They not influencing people to not vote us?” asked Gonsalves who stated that he does not understand the New Democratic Party’s (NDP) strategy.

Gonsalves said the government will not pay attention to the NDP as his administration has been building houses and giving out building materials for their entire tenure in government.

“And we will build houses, give out land, share out material from now until election day next time, just like how we do all the time and if you don’t like it, you lump it. Five in a row,” Gonsalves said.

He stated that the government has given out nearly 5000 lots of land and the ULP government can boast of building more houses than any other administration that governed here.

“And when we giving out material, they opposing it saying some don’t get and some get and don’t use it and sell,” said Gonsalves who stressed that persons who have received building material have put it to good use.

The event saw 150 persons from North Windward receiving letters that make it possible for them to purchase lands for EC$1 a square foot.
Gonsalves said the fee is attached as it costs money to survey the land, but he will do some investigations to find out if the price could be lower.

“You can always rely on this government and this prime minister to take care always of the poor,” said the Prime Minister.

Elections in St Vincent and the Grenadines are constitutionally due by December 2020 but the law allows for the date to be stretched up to March 2021.