Some doctors not paying fees to use hospital – PM
Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves
April 9, 2019

Some doctors not paying fees to use hospital – PM

There are doctors who use the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital (MCMH) for private purposes, but do not pay a fee to the hospital.

This was revealed by Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves as he addressed Parliament last week.

He said the Ministry of Health should look into the practice whereby doctors use hospital services for their private patients but do not make any contributions to the hospital.

Doctors are allowed to use certain hospital facilities but must pay a fee, Gonsalves said.

He also spoke of a type of solicitation by private doctors who refer patients who attend clinics at the MCMH to private clinics.

The Prime Minister said in one incident, a woman from Central Leeward was told by a doctor at the MCMH that she needs to have a “small” eye surgery and that doctor gave her an appointment at a private clinic, where she would have had to pay EC$800 if she had gone. He said the woman did not have the money.

“…And every time we attempt to address this question, you get a blow back, you get a push back…,” said the Prime Minister.