Vincentians urged to participate in Queen’s Essay competition  (+Videos)
Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall (right) in conversation with two students of the Girls’ High School
March 22, 2019

Vincentians urged to participate in Queen’s Essay competition (+Videos)

Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall is encouraging young people in St Vincent and the Grenadines to participate in the Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition.

Her Royal Highness spoke briefly at a special assembly at the Girls’ High School on Wednesday, during her visit to St Vincent and the Grenadines as part of the Royal Caribbean Tour.

“In 2017, there was only one entry from St Vincent. But last year, there were 37. There’s plenty of time before the deadline on the first of June, so I hope this year that you will double or even triple that number,” she said.

She said St Vincent and the Grenadines was the leading participant in this corner of the world and she was depending on those present to encourage young people across the Commonwealth to write a poem, essay or story.

“As a passionate believer on the power of written word, I look forward to reading the winning entries and presenting the awards at Buckingham Palace later this year. Perhaps I shall see some of you there,” the Duchess said.

While at the Girls’ High School, the Duchess spoke with students who were working on their submissions for this year’s competition and presented awards to the winners of gold awards in the 2018 competition.

Those receiving awards were Riana Blake and Emma Rouse in the junior category and Janalya John and Paige Cadogan in the senior category.

The Duchess also sat in on a session being facilitated by Jodie Dennie, the local representative for the competition, who briefed students from the Girls’ High School, the St Vincent Grammar School and the Thomas Saunders Secondary School about the competition and benefits of participating.

Her Royal Highness received a token from the school and in turn, donated several books to the school library.

Before her visit to the all-girl institution, the Duchess also made a stop at the St Vincent and the Grenadines Community College, where she was greeted with a cultural performance which showcased a round of Quadrille, elements of Vincy Mas and folk dancing.

She also walked through an exhibition which showcased products made by female entrepreneurs.

The Duchess even tried some local flavoured rum from Quraqu J and a shot of rum punch from local brand, Red Bikini.

While there, the Duchess made a donation of books to the New Grounds Primary School and met with some of the students.

“We’re very appreciative of the gift, it will go a long way with helping us with literacy in our school,” the headteacher, Nicole Ollivierre-Barnwell told SEARCHLIGHT.

And her Royal Highness also engaged with local officials in a closed-door meeting about gender issues.

Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, during her visit, also joined Prince Charles at the Cenotaph in Kingstown for a wreath laying ceremony.

The two walked outside the Kingstown Vegetable Market where they greeted children, vendors and other curious onlookers, some of whom pushed excitedly against the gathering crowd so they could position themselves for “a shake hand”.

Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall (right) in conversation with two students of the Girls’ High School

Her day in St Vincent and the Grenadines came to an end at the Prime Minister’s Residence where an Investiture ceremony was held for persons named in the 2019 Queen’s New Years honours list.