November 9, 2018

Local Churches issue second Statement on the establishment of a Medical Cannabis Industry in SVG

The St Vincent and the Grenadines Christian Council and other Church organizations have issued their second formal response to Government’s plans to establish a medical cannabis industry in St Vincent and the Grenadines.

The statement, issued on November 5 said the participation of the Christian Council on the Select Committee whose purview it is to review the proposed legislation governing a Medical Cannabis industry should not be understood as support for this endeavour nor evidence of vacillation and uncertainty.

“…Rather it is informed by a perspective that if your caution or warning is ignored there is still ‘responsibleness’ in contributing to minimize the potential adverse outcomes. Further, it is our hope that our engagement in this process can reflect the kind of respect and maturity we encourage in national discourse where we can disagree and have strong divergent views, yet still respectfully engage,” the statement said.

According to the Statement, the Churches believe that the scientific and anecdotal information regarding the medical benefits of Marijuana are sufficiently credible for a nation to conceptualize and pursue a Medical Marijuana Industry or more conservatively, legal access to Medical Marijuana.

“The Churches also believe that there is enough information available to suggest that substantial revenues can be obtained from such an industry. The Churches are of the considered opinion however that there is sufficient historical experience, anecdotal and scientific information regarding the deleterious impact of Marijuana on individuals and society, especially on youth to necessitate great caution in the pursuit of such an Industry.

“With respect to establishing such an industry in St Vincent and the Grenadines; we continue to contend that the multiplicity of variables requires a sufficiency of research and thoroughness of investigation, conversation and consultation to speculate regarding the social and economic impact and determine our capacity to ensure not only a “net benefit” but to ask whether the cost is too high or whether the benefits are worth the ‘price’.”

The statement which was issued by the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Christian Council in conjunction with The Seventh-day Adventist Church, St. Vincent and the Grenadines Mission, The Association of Evangelical Churches and Spiritual Baptist Archdiocese.

The full statement may be read online at: