FLOW partners with ECCB
One of the financial institutions that mounted a booth at the Fair.
November 6, 2018

FLOW partners with ECCB

Telecommunications company FLOW recently joined forces with the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) to educate Vincentians on financial empowerment and the digital financial environment.

This comes as the ECCB embarked on an annual month-long series of activities to commemorate it’s scheduled financial month which was guided under the theme, ‘Financial empowerment through education’ with an emphasis on ‘Conducting and protecting in digital environment’.

On Thursday, October 23, the ECCB hosted a financial fair in Heritage Square, Kingstown which saw the participation of varying financial institutions. According to the ECCB’s Resident Representative Elritha Miguel, the main purpose of the financial fair as well as the month-long activities, was to bring awareness and further educate persons of the products and services that are available at financial institutions across the country and the digital opportunities available to them.

Speaking of the significance and effectiveness of the financial fair, Miguel stated that the annual event has provided financial guidance to Vincentians over the years and has enabled them to take charge of their financial affairs. She took the opportunity to caution persons to practice safe financial banking by monitoring their accounts regularly and report any irregular activities. She added that for persons who engage in online shopping, they should ensure that their accounts are charged appropriately and ensure that their account numbers are not being used unknowingly. She further advised that persons should practice the habit of changing their account passwords regularly.

Miguel stated that the financial fair was a success as they received much feed back from the public. Thanking FLOW for its input, she noted that the telecommunications company continues to be a long-standing partner for financial information month. Miguel commended FLOW for the role it plays in communication across SVG noting that that the company continues to be a strategic partner.

The Resident Representative stated that the ECCB will continue with its host of educational programs in several schools across the country as well as it’s community outreach programs.