Langley Park Government School leads Anti- Crime March and Rally
Preschoolers making their contribution to the Langley Park Government School Anti- Crime March and Rally
November 2, 2018

Langley Park Government School leads Anti- Crime March and Rally

The staff and students of the Langley Park Government School have taken the lead in denouncing crime and violence in North Windward, and by extension, St Vincent and Grenadines.
Their way of doing so was by hosting a March and Rally, last Wednesday.

Bearing placards with inscriptions of anti-crime messages, the march took place from Union Street in Georgetown to the Chili Playing Field.

The event had representation from pre-schoolers in the North Windward and Central Windward areas, along with students from Georgetown Secondary, as well as the Georgetown Government and the Sandy Bay Government, who joined with the students of the Langley Park Government and other well-wishers, to make their feelings known.

In the same vein, the rally, which was held at the Chili Playing Field, reflected the objectives of the event.

Addressing the rally, Director of the National Commission on Crime Prevention Nichola Evans called on students to spell the word CRIME, and used it as an anagram to show that the first three letters in the word crime spells “cri” or cry. 

She further stated that it affects “I”/“ME”, hence the responsibility lies with “I”/Me”, to help reduce the incidence of crime in the schools and community.

Meanwhile, featured speaker Jozeene Bailey told her audience to be more “tolerant’, which would help in curbing the incidence of violence.

She therefore urged students to show more restraint, and to “seek to make a difference in yourself and in your community, by engaging with others and being positive role models”.  

She also encouraged students “to respect others, and understand when others say ‘No’; and don’t be afraid to speak up when wrong is being done”.

Also addressing the Rally, were Esther Pompey, president of the National Association of Early Childhood Education, as well as Jonathan Nicholls, a former Assistant Superintendent of Police.

Nicholls called on the students to ROAR Against Crime.

Cultural performances by students of the participating schools, were in the form of choral speeches, dance and songs.

Others performing on the day were the National Drum Body Inc., Clifford “ Prince Wade” Phillips and Juno “Stoppalus” Johnson.

Principal of the Langley Park Government, the initiators of the March and Rally, Elva Springer, expressed thanks to all who attended, and agreed that her institution is happy that they have made their feelings known.