Service Commissions Department holds prayer breakfast
St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) was last Friday morning lifted up in prayer during an intercessory breakfast prayer session hosted by the Service Commissions department, this as the nation celebrates its 39th anniversary of political Independence.
Arlene Regisford Sam CPO (Ag)
Under the theme, “Giving thanks to God with grateful hearts” Chief Personnel Officer (Acting). Arlene Regisford-Sam, told her staff and others present to consider his or her blessings. She reminded them to reach for higher and to put trust in God despite their various challenges. Regisford-Sam asked for divine guidance on the Department as they seek to carry out their duties.
Prayers were offered on behalf of the nation, people, leaders, the public service, the department and its work, and upcoming initiatives. Those offering prayers included Nicole John, Myccle Burke and Clarence Harry Director of the Public Sector Reform Unit.
The prayer breakfast included the singing of choruses and patriotic songs. Pastor Paul Duncan delivered the exhortation. He reminded the gathering that being a servant of God equals serving each other. Pastor Duncan urged everyone to be reasonable in their treatment of others as each of them is different. Where there are conflicts, he told them to seek reconciliation. With regards to the duties of the Department, he stressed the importance of faith for all their plans to be established. Pastor Duncan mentioned the need for them to have a spirit of rejoicing and of thanksgiving always, according to the scripture.
Pastor Paul Duncan
A special feature for this year’s prayer breakfast was a prayer request box which was placed in the corridor for persons to drop their requests