RRL provides  safety Coms over  Independence weekend
Coach “Tyie” Ollivierre (Centre) outlining swimming course to safety officers/volunteers.
October 30, 2018

RRL provides safety Coms over Independence weekend

by Donald De Riggs

Members from the Rainbow Radio League provided safety communications for two events during the Independence weekend.

The first activity for which our services were required was for the IndeKayak water sporting event held at Buccament Bay on Independence day.

Coach Tauran Ollivierre (2nd from R) and parents follow swimming race from the safety boat.

The following day, the communications team journeyed to Bequia to provide safety communications for an open water swimming race organized by the Bequia Traditional Sailing Academy. The activity was mainly a traditional sailing event with two days of sailing with the final day including the open water swimming race. Also on hand for water safety duty was the local Coast Guard.

On Sunday October 28, the open water swimming race was conducted over three distances, 1500 metres, 750 m and 375 m. The youngest swimmers participated in the shortest distance while the longest distance was an open category and saw some of the more experienced open water swimmers, swimming from the end of Princess Margaret beach to the tenders’ jetty in Port Elizabeth.

OECS open water champion, Cruze Halbich maintained the #1 spot and our congratulations are extended to this youngster as he prepares for another OECS outing in November.

There were no injuries or accidents during the swimming or sailing events and from all appearances, both patrons and athletes had an enjoyable time.

Kayaks served as first responder craft in case of any accidents.

Thanks are in order to Fantasea Tours for using their boat as a safety communications platform as well as allowing the swimming officials to start and observe the race. Radio operators for the Buccament Bay event included J88NLS Denise, J88NFG Jedi and J88CD Don. For the Bequia event the team included J88CD and J88NFG with J88DT Sylvester and J88NJB Jeremy as back up radio operators.