Joseph DaSilva Sr Funeral Home donates to health
Manager of Joseph DaSilva Sr Memorial Funeral Home Asfo Stephens (left) hands over supplies to Idinger Miller (2nd from left), deputy hospital administrator of the Modern Medical Complex in Georgetown.
October 26, 2018

Joseph DaSilva Sr Funeral Home donates to health

The Joseph DaSilva Sr Memorial Funeral Home on October 18 handed over a quantity of medical supplies and equipment to the Modern Medical Complex in Georgetown.

Speaking on behalf of the funeral home, manager Asfo Stephens, expressed the need for good health and wellness within our Vincentian society, and working with the health facilities in this regard. He further reiterated the main tenets of the funeral home modernity, affordability and customer-friendliness.

Idinger Miller, deputy hospital administrator of the Modern Medical Complex in Georgetown, in her response, thanked the Joseph DaSilva Sr Memorial Funeral Home for the supplies and equipment on behalf of the Ministry of Health and Wellness and the Hospital Administrator and staff of the Modern Medical Complex.

Miller in her remarks urged the funeral home to continue its good relationship with the Medical Complex, which has now begun. The deputy hospital administrator made a special call for collaboration and partnership between the two entities.