October 19, 2018

Airport hotel coming to Diamonds – PM Gonsalves

AN AIRPORT HOTEL is to be built in the Diamond area.

Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves was speaking at a press conference this week when he announced the state’s intention to become involved with the project.

He said that the hotel will have about 90 rooms and that financing has already been organized.

“The idea is to have it built [on] about five to seven acres at Diamond, just at the time you turn the corner to go up to Kings Hill,” he said. “The idea there is to have a Holiday Inn Express and to put something, a little extra feature to it, swimming pool and so on so that Vincentians can go on weekends, families on holidays and so on.”

The prime minister added that the decision was within the framework of the government’s quest to build “a modern, competitive, many-sided, post-colonial economy which is at once national, regional and global”.