Pastor to host two  inspirational events  at Frenches House
Pastor Dr Dillon Burgin, shows off his books, ‘How to become a model Christian’ and ‘Seven steps to purpose’.
September 28, 2018

Pastor to host two inspirational events at Frenches House

In an effort to inspire people and help them find their purpose, Pastor Dr Dillon Burgin will host two events this weekend.

The first is a play called ‘Locked Out’ and the second, a workshop. Both events will be held at Frenches House in Kingstown; the play will take place this evening at 7 p.m. and the workshop tomorrow, Saturday, beginning at 4 p.m.

Burgin, originally from Belmont, migrated to the United States over 15 years ago and now that he is home on a visit, he wishes to spread the word of God and help persons find their purpose in life.
The play will feature local actors like Kevin Rodrigues and Kendra Horne while Burgin will play the main character ‘Pastor Lie’.

Burgin, a published author and playwright is encouraging the public to attend the play which he said has a very interesting message.

‘Pastor Lie’ is well off and has provided for his family an abundance of material things. He has a near death experience and as a result, visits hell but then bargains with God because was not ready to die.

“In that story this man stands as a representation of what happens in organised religion and the formal church in that you find many people, Anglican, Catholic, Methodist, Moravians…many people operate on purely a religious level, but do not go deep enough to see there is a deeper spiritual reality into which they must tap in,” said Burgin.

He said his plays usually cover a wide range of social issues including family violence, marriage, HIV, racism and lack of community.

The workshop to be held on Saturday will introduce two of Pastor Burgin’s books: ‘How to become a model Christian’ and ‘Seven steps to purpose,’ which is the workbook version of another one of his books, ‘The power and freedom of purpose’.

“A lot of my work is focussed on purpose, meaning and focus in life,” explained the pastor, whose home church is the Harmony Tabernacle in Brooklyn New York.

He said his book, “How to become a model Christian”, tells about 15 qualities of a model Christian while “Seven steps to purpose” focuses on purpose. The books will be available for purchase.

He noted that the workbook is practical and impactful and persons who work through it seriously and honestly are guaranteed to see changes.

The pastor said that most people can tell you what their job is or what their profession is but cannot tell you what is their purpose, as that is a much bigger question.

“What I am saying to folks on Saturday, is let’s have a conversation about purpose and after this time together, you would be challenged to really see that you can impact the world, that you can change the world,” said Burgin.

“I want to inspire people to believe that they can be great, they will be great, they have great things in them and they have great things ahead of them so come out, so I can inspire you to be great.”

Burgin is a past student of the Belmont Government School, the St Vincent Grammar School (SVGS), the United Theological College of the West Indies (Jamaica), the University of the West, Mona, Campus, Jamaica and Drew University in the United States.

Pastor Burgin, who first worked as a Methodist minister holds a doctorate in Theology. He has worked in SVG, Belize and Trinidad.