September 28, 2018

Accused rapist deported from Trinidad

Kesron Jacobs, a 29-year-old disc jockey who, since October 2017, has been wanted in connection with allegations of unlawful sexual intercourse, has been arrested and charged by police.

A resident of Dickson Village, Jacobs, also known as DJ Crizmo, was detained in Trinidad and Tobago and deported to St Vincent and the Grenadines on September 21, 2018.

On September 22, he was arrested and charged with criminal trespass, burglary and a number of sexual offences. According to investigations, in September 2017, Jacobs entered the dwelling house of a 47-year-old farmer with intent to commit the offence of rape on a minor.

The accused was charged with having unlawful sexual intercourse with a girl under the age of 13 years old and for indecently assaulting the minor by touching her about the body with his hands.

Jacobs was also charged with entering the dwelling house of the said farmer as a trespasser and stealing items valued EC$650. He is expected to appear before the Family Court to answer the charges.

Jacobs made headlines in October 2017 after four voice notes began making the rounds on social media, in which a woman who claimed that she was the mother of a female Grade Six pupil said that her daughter was home alone, trying on clothes, when a man entered the house and raped the child.

The mother said in the voice notes that the man lived three houses away from her daughter and that the day after her daughter was allegedly raped, a man messaged her on Facebook messenger. She said that she asked the man to meet with her, but he refused and suggested instead that they talk on WhatsApp. She said that she added the man on WhatsApp and she has saved the conversations and is patiently awaiting a court date.