Rise of  Cyber Crimes in SVG highlighted at Insurance  Institute  Seminar
September 25, 2018

Rise of Cyber Crimes in SVG highlighted at Insurance Institute Seminar

Cyber Crime was on the menu when members of the Insurance Institute of SVG met for their September Seminar on Wednesday September 12 at De Salad Shop in the Kingstown Cruise Terminal.
If you haven’t heard of “Sextortion” then YOU might be the next Victim!

Police officers constables Romeo Browne and Jeremy Joseph from the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) were spinning a web of the Cyber Crimes that are happening right here in St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG). 

Sextortion is when you receive an e-mail threatening to disclose all your alleged nasty secrets to all your e-mail Contacts.

Unless you pay the ransom of course. Sending out thousands of e-mails just might catch you and your Guilty Conscience!

The lively CID Officers really hooked the attention when they turned to Online Shopping. Do you know if that website is Secure?

Fake websites are being used to get your credit card details, these look like the real thing but are actually “mimic’ copies of the site you thought you were buying from.

What about your cellphone password; is it secure? Did you know that your memory card retains the password, so your password is not so secure after all.

The dedicated detectives shook the audience when they turned to the business risks of ransomware. This is when your business is told that all your data and records have been encrypted, and you must pay a ransom to get access to your data again !

Can you imagine your business without access to your data? Your Business is helpless. We are all so dependent on Data. This is why some Businesses Pay the Ransom, since it will cost a fortune to pay IT Experts to get-back your Data ! 

PC Browne and PC Joseph generously shared some “Do’s and “Dont’s” :

DO be alert for not-quite-right Websites     
DON’T open Links unless you are absolutely Certain of them

DO buy only on “htpps” secure websites               
DON’T give personal details on ANY Friend’s phone or laptop

DO update your Antivirus regularly                               
DON’T use the “save password” option

DO change Passwords regularly   
DON’T use someone’s Flashdrive without Scanning first!!

The Insurance Institute President Nancy Ferrari had welcomed the guest speakers, and  Institute Secretary Sharlene Wyllie then expressed thanks to the two information technology investigators on behalf of all present.

Since 1997, the Insurance Institute of SVG has been raising standards in SVG insurance, through training, education, examinations and seminars, and the next training course will start in October, followed by professional examinations.