KBC opens new state-of-the-art sanctuary
September 21, 2018

KBC opens new state-of-the-art sanctuary

With a new building for the Kingstown Baptist Church (KBC), there came a reminder from its pastor that the KBC is a church that exists to bring light to a nation.

For many of those who attended the dedication of the “brand new, sparkling, state-of-the-art sanctuary,” as described by the architect, Moulton Mayers, their sentiments may have been best represented in an original song composed by one of the members.

Pastor of the Kingstown Baptist Church (KBC), Dr Cecil Richards

Pastor of KBC, Dr Cecil Richards, in his address last Sunday, at the first service at the new worship centre, began with the original composition, the tense of the song now changed from future to past tense.

“We built this house in love and unity. Our hearts will bring our people together always. It’s a reminder to him, his people will always give, give him their hearts desire,” the first verse rang out.

The chorus, which had been sung intermittently throughout the service, followed, “We built this house with love, we built this house with joy, we built this house with everything we’ve got.”

While repeating the lyrics of the song, Richards became emotional, his voice catching, while commenting, “I know we built this church with everything we’ve got.”

A Section of the congregation at last Sunday’s dedication service for the opening of the new Kingstown Baptist Church building

While speaking about the eagerness of the members, he said, “For a small church like this to begin to give the tens and the twenties and the thirties and the fifties, and the hundreds, that added up to thousands, and you gave.”

After five years, the new worship centre, a post-modern, three storey, air conditioned structure in Old Montrose, was finished, and the dedication, “We dedicate ourselves and this building to God,” affirmed by the KBC community last Sunday.

With the building completed, the finishing touches done just last weekend, the church does not plan to rest on its laurels.

“Where do we go from here?” Richards asked the congregation. Answering this question, he said, “There’s one direction that we must go, as a church. There is one calling. There is this entity, there is this thing that propels us forward.”

“Our nation needs light, our community needs light, and KBC exists not to be a church of four walls, KBC exists to influence a nation, KBC exists to be a voice for God in this country,” he affirmed.

Most of all, he says that, “KBC exists for spiritual direction. To a nation that has gotten to the very edge and perhaps even plunged into darkness, KBC exists to point you to the light. We have only just begun, and our direction is forward.”

The Pastor’s words seemed to be assurance to the hopes uttered by “friends of the church” earlier on in the ceremony.

Reverend Adolph Davis said his prayer for KBC was that it would be a transformative place. “Our nation doesn’t just need more church, but it needs more Christians,” he said, continuing, “and we are hearing and seeing so much that is going on round our nation.”

“As a church we have to appreciate that we need to contribute to a different mindset in our nation, and we are in a world that a lot is going on, people are becoming very materialistic, their mindset is what suits me, their mindset is popularity, their mindset is money, their mindset is messed up, you think of the crime problem,” Davis explained.

Reverend Dr Reynold Murray echoed similar sentiments, stating, “I am proud of what you’re doing. Keep the fire burning, to keep the pressure, to let the nation understand, to let the world know that we are a people of God.”

He advised, “When we see all of the madness that’s happening on the streets and all of the craziness, and all of the things that they are asking us to embrace, we must have compassion on them but not embrace the nonsense.”

Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves gave similar commentary, “We have this church packed this evening. A civilized people worshipping your God, and worshipping their God joyously, and peacefully.”

“Other than my personal security, which I am told I am obliged to walk around with, though I wish to escape, cause it’s constricting…there is no security here, and I don’t see any gunmen. I don’t see any criminals…It is to tell us that there is a people who stand together,” the Prime Minister stated.

Certainly, the excitement on the achievement was tangible in those associated with the church in any way, Reverend Sylvester King of the St Vincent Baptist Convention happily announcing that the Convention would be having their annual gathering in the hall.

“This is propelling us to plant new churches and to expand God’s kingdom. I declare, I declare ..by the next two years, this church, all the seating capacity would be overrun, and we will have to look for more space for our annual gathering,” King predicted.