September 7, 2018

All are invited to prayer and candle light vigil for SVG

An appeal has been made to every Vincentian at home and abroad to participate in a candlelight and prayer vigil to be held on Sunday, September 9 beginning at 6 p.m.

Javelle Frank, Coordinator of the SAY Enough Is Enough Support Group said “this is the beginning of a spiritual revolution for St Vincent and the Grenadines. This step is our first response to the call for intercessory prayers for our nation”.

Following the recent spate of murders and violent crimes recorded in 2018, the support group said “While we are deeply saddened by what is happening in our country, we believe that the responsibility is ours as key players in the prevention strategies of these violent crimes. In these times, we really need to stop the blame shifting and ask ourselves, how can we be a part of the desired change!”

Frank, who is also a lay minister and the host of NBC’s Joyful Praise programme, said “This Sunday, the purpose of this vigil (the first of many) is to start bridge the divides on the social landscape by bringing families together, and as a nation seeking GOD’s face for the forgiveness of sins and healing of our land”.

The candlelight vigil is held under the theme “Light A Candle For SVG”.

“On Sunday evening, in the comfort of our homes with families and friends, gather and light a candle; and intercede in prayer on behalf of and for Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. We are mindful that some churches may have Bible Study and prayer meeting around that time, but we are asking that they do the same. Also, NBC Radio has joined forces with us for the live prayer session from 6 pm, which will be done by a panel of God’s chosen servants and carried live on Nice Radio and Star FM,” Frank explained.

The SAY Enough Is Enough Support Group expressed thanks for the overwhelming support from regional and local NGOs and media houses.

“We could not have achieved this without the support of others; so, we must thank the Caribbean Voice of Guyana, the National Council of Women of SVG, Peace For SVG, NBC Radio, Nice Radio, Praise FM, Star FM, We FM and SVGTV for helping us spread the word and being a part of this initiative.”