Spiritual  Baptists  provide more students with scholarships
August 31, 2018

Spiritual Baptists provide more students with scholarships

Eight more students of the Spiritual Baptist Archdiocese are now beneficiaries of the Blessed Cosmore Mathias Pompey Memorial Fund.

On Thursday, August 23 at the St John’s Spiritual Baptist Church at Sion Hill, a ceremony was held under the theme “Celebrating the legacy of a Great Man, Little is much,” to award students of the Spiritual Baptist Archdiocese who were successful at the 2018 CPEA exams with bursaries.

The ceremony followed one that was held two weeks ago at the St Mary’s Spiritual Baptist Cathedral at Overland.

Reverend Lucy Rogers, chairperson of the event, thanked the family of the Blessed Cosmore Pompey and the members of the St Mary’s Cathedral for making it possible to help the children of the Archdiocese. She asked the recipients to make good use of the funds and wished them success on their secondary school journey.

Delivering the feature address, Bishop Melford Pompey, son of the Blessed Cosmore Pompey told those present that he does not consider the funds given to be huge, but reminded them of a line used very often by his father “Little is much, when God is in it.”

Bishop Pompey congratulated the recipients on their success at the CPEA exams and asked them to accept the contribution to their education with thankfulness and appreciation. He further encouraged them to set goals and pursue them, strive for excellence, always have God at the helm, stay focussed and not to follow idle company.

He advised the parents to keep their children under their control at all times and to let them stay in the way of the Lord. 

“Our society cannot afford to lose our children to crime and violence. Help shape their future for a better St. Vincent and the Grenadines,” he concluded.

Bishop Pompey, who is the Senior Bishop of the Spiritual Baptist Archdiocese presented the bursaries to the students. He was assisted by the General Secretary of the Archdiocese, Reverend Lucy Rogers.

The ceremony was also witnessed by parents of the recipients, Deaconess Esther Pompey daughter of the Blessed Cosmore Pompey, Archdeacon James Harry and other members of the Archdiocese.