GHS results at 2018 CSEC commendable
At the 2018 May/June sitting of the Caribbean Examinations Council’s CSEC examinations, the St Vincent Girls’ High School entered 134 fifth form students for examinations in 27 subjects areas. Fifty-four fourth formers sat General Mathematics.
There were passes in all subject areas with 19 subject areas registering 100 per cent passes. Six subject areas had passes between 91.4 per cent and 99.27 per cent and two subjects had 75 per cent and 59 per cent passes respectively. General Mathematics had a pass rate of 99.27 per cent and Additional Mathematics 75 per cent. This represents a 26.2 per cent increase over last year’s Additional Mathematics performance.
All students who sat the General Mathematics in the fourth form passed and six of these students had the highest grade profiles for that subject overall.
The subjects which peaked in the grade ones were: English A, English B, Electronic Document Preparation Management, Information Technology, Principles of Accounts, and Principles of Business.
Two students passed 17 subjects — Jesse James got 10 grade ones, 5 grade twos and 2 grade threes, while Jesseica James got 8 grade ones, 8 grade twos and 1 grade three.
Sariah Jackson passed 16 subjects with 14 grade ones, 1 grade two and 1 grade three. She was the student with the most grade ones.
Nikki Lorraine and Tia James were the two students who passed 15 subjects with Nikki getting 12 grade ones, 2 grade twos and 1 grade three. Tia got 8 grade ones, 5 grade twos and 2 grade threes. Ryanna Glynn passed 14 subjects with 13 grade ones, and 1 grade three.
Five students passed 13 subjects. They are Kelcey Allen who got grade ones in all 13 subjects and the hightest grade profiles in seven subjects for all students sitting those subjects; Maya Abdoussala, who got 12 grade ones and one grade three; Nneka McMillan, with 12 grade ones and one grade three; Ahjea Jackson with 4 grade ones, 7 grade twos and 2 grade threes; Tamika Gloster, with 3 grade ones, 8 grade twos and 2 grade threes.
Five other students obtained twelve passes: Madison Lawrence – 12 grade ones; Beyonce Winter-DaBreo – 9 grade ones and 3 grade twos; Cristine Veira – 6 grade ones and 6 grade twos; Areanna St. Luce – 6 grade ones, 5 grade twos and 1 grade three; Kyra Ottley – 5 grade ones, 5 grade twos and two grade threes.
“We congratulate the students, their parents and teachers for a job well done and pray God’s blessings on them as they begin new chapters in their lives,” the school said in a release.