Consultations being held on the establishment of a medical marijuana industry
August 28, 2018

Consultations being held on the establishment of a medical marijuana industry

The Government of St Vincent and the Grenadines is holding a series of public consultations on the establishment of a medicinal cannabis industry.

Three pieces of draft legislation have been prepared to guide the industry:

1. Medicinal Cannabis Industry Bill 2018

2. Cannabis Cultivation Amnesty Bill 2018

3. The Permitted Use of Cannabis for Religious Purposes Bill 2018

A series of community consultations on the bills has been planned to educate and solicit the feedback of all stakeholders.

Today, Tuesday, August 28, a consultation will be held at the Questelles Learning Resource Centre, while on Thursday, August 30, a meeting will be held in Kingstown at the Peace Memorial Hall.
Both meetings commence at 6:30 p.m.

Resource persons at the consultations would include Dr Jerrol Thompson and a representative from the Attorney General’s Chambers.

The public is invited to participate in the discussion.