Wu Thun-Chih  Foundation donates to charitable  organizations in SVG
August 17, 2018

Wu Thun-Chih Foundation donates to charitable organizations in SVG

Various charitable organizations and schools in St Vincent and the Grenadines are set to receive supplies to distribute to those who may not be able to afford them otherwise.
These supplies include toys, food, clothing, shoes and fabric.

The initiative was made possible through the donation of Taiwanese organizations; the Simply Help Foundation and the Wu Thun-Chih Foundation.

Minister of National Mobilization, Frederick Stephenson expressed gratitude to both foundations at the handing over ceremony, which took place yesterday at the Fisheries conference room.

“Between June and July this year, we were the recipients of two containers. The first of which contained 455 boxes of items that ranged from clothing to shoes, toys and school supplies,” he revealed.

“In that container, there was also medical supplies donated by Dr [Cadrin] Gill, our honorary consul in Los Angeles. The second container included 426 rolls of fabric and some of them are displayed here this morning, donated by Wu Thun-Chih Foundation for charity.”

Stephenson also revealed that over the last three years, the value of the donations made amount to over US$400,000.

He said the fabric will be donated to schools to help with the clothing and textiles programme.

The Minister said that the ministry and government were extremely happy to receive the donation.

Nerissa Gittens-McMillan, the ministry’s permanent secretary also expressed similar sentiments.

She said that the ministry’s role was to assist in the reduction of poverty and all the challenges that would limit the country’s development.

“We use this particular occasion to welcome the opportunity to partner with Simply Help Foundation and the Wu Thun-Chih Foundation, which has joined with us to assist in the situation today, she said. “We want to say thanks to those individuals who have seen the need, the humanitarian need, to assist the ministry to do what it does even better.”

Calvin Ho, the ambassador for the Republic of China on Taiwan said that the close relationship between his country and St Vincent and the Grenadines has resulted in significant donations being made over the past two years.

He said that the foundations aim to help people all over the world and posited that the donations could do the same for the people of St Vincent and the Grenadines.

Dr Cadrin Gill, the honorary consul general for St Vincent and the Grenadines in Los Angeles also delivered brief remarks at yesterday’s handing over ceremony.

Gill partnered with the Simply Help Foundation to transport and donate a variety of medical supplies to this country.

He took the opportunity to thank the Foundation, which he says was extremely influential in the mission.

And he also expressed gratitude to everyone who was instrumental in the compilation of the supplies to make the donation possible.

Curtis Greaves, the president of the Association of Secondary School Principals and Pastor Sylvester King also expressed words of gratitude in brief remarks on behalf of the organizations set to receive supplies for distribution.