Woman wins $280,000  Super 6 jackpot  after playing same numbers for years
August 17, 2018

Woman wins $280,000 Super 6 jackpot after playing same numbers for years

Consistency paid off for a woman who has played the same numbers for the Super 6 since the game began, as they won her the jackpot last Tuesday.

Glynis Hay was all smiles as she spoke at a press conference at the National Lotteries Authority board room on Wednesday, recalling the lucky day.

Hay, a Jamaican who has been living in St Vincent for the past 18 years, said she may still be in shock, “because you play every day and you expect to win, but you really don’t expect to win and that’s a strange thing you know.”

However, win she did, and she will be taking home $280,000, because her number, a combination of birthdays, was drawn on August 7.

Hay said that she could not remember when she started playing, “From the Super 6 came in, I’ve just been playing the two numbers,” continuing, “these are the numbers that I’ve been playing forever.”

Recalling the exact moment she realized that she won, Hay revealed, “So I went to the supermarket, just going in with my granddaughter, and then I looked up and I saw the numbers. I’m like those look like my numbers, and I wasn’t sure what to do at that point. So I went to the clerk there, and she checked the numbers, and we heard this bell thing, and she wasn’t sure what the bell was either. So she swiped it again, and then she looked at me and she said, ‘you won,’ and I’m like ‘I won’.”

All that’s left for Hay now is to decide what to do with her winnings. “You know you have so many plans when you win the lottery, but I just say Lord guide me while I look at the cheque…every day,” she said while laughing.

“You see I have two children, and my age, most of the things planned will be around them, so therefore we’ll plan together as a family,” she explained.

Speaking more on her family’s reaction, Hay commented, “I hope my children now really believe that I’ve won, because they still just think that it’s $16 or $12, that I normally win, and just announce that I’ve won the lottery.”

Summing up her own feelings, she said, “I’m pretty excited to be here, and to know that that cheque over there has my name on it.”

Product Development Officer, Anthony Dennie, revealed that the winning ticket combination was 1 4 6 12 24 and 25. Speaking briefly, he commented, “We’re now having what I term a windfall. Three consecutive jackpot winners. You will recall there was a $640,000 that was shared [among] three winners, one of them came from St Vincent and the Grenadines, and then just about a month ago we had a jackpot of $280,000…and today there’s another $280,000.”