SVGCC records 91 per cent pass rate for CAPE
August 14, 2018

SVGCC records 91 per cent pass rate for CAPE

The St Vincent and the Grenadines Community College (SVGCC) recorded a pass rate of over 91 per cent in the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations (CAPE) for 2018.

The Ministry of Education in a release issued Friday said 610 candidates wrote the exam, 554 of whom were from the St Vincent and the Grenadines Community College and 56, Private Candidates. The St Vincent and the Grenadines Community College candidates sat 1864 examinations in 23 different subjects.

Among the students from the SVGCC, passing grades (Grades 1 to V) were obtained in 1697 subject sittings representing an overall pass rate of 91.04 per cent. This represents a slight decrease compared to the 2017 results where the overall pass rate was 91.74 per cent.

For CAPE 2018, 100 per cent passes were obtained in the following 13 subjects: Art & Design (Unit 1), Digital Media (Unit 1), Digital Media (Unit 2), Environmental Science (Unit 2), French (Unit 1), French (Unit 2), Geography (Unit 2), Integrated Mathematics (Unit 1), Literatures in English (Unit 1), Literatures in English (Unit 2), Physical Education & Sport (Unit 2), Physics (Unit 2), Spanish (Unit 2). For CAPE 2018, three subjects were written for the first time: Art and Design (Unit 1), Green Engineering (Unit 1) and Integrated Mathematics (Unit 1).