NDP embraces One China Policy; will cut Taiwan ties if elected
August 7, 2018

NDP embraces One China Policy; will cut Taiwan ties if elected

If the New Democratic Party (NDP) is to form government, they will sever ties with Taiwan and instead pursue diplomatic relations with mainland China.

This was reiterated by Leader of the NDP last week during a press briefing at Democrat House.

“We have stated publicly the position of the party, and that is, we adopt the One China Policy, which recognizes mainland China as the representative, and that is the position that the party has adopted and that remains enforced in the party,” Dr. Friday told journalists.

The One China policy is a policy which states that there is only one country of China, despite the fact that there are two governments, China (officially the People’s Republic of China) and Taiwan (officially the Republic of China), with the official name of China.

Dr. Friday said that the NDP has taken the One China Policy as they think that it is in the best interest of the country and will help them become the most effective if they are to form government.

“That is the situation as it is now and none of these things are carved in stone,” said the opposition leader, adding that while St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) has benefited from relations with Taiwan, things are not done in the national interest based on fairness or unfairness.

“It is a two-way street, both parties have benefited… we have to look for the interest of our country and if we think this (Taiwan) is in the interest of SVG we will persist with the policy, and if we think it is not, we will change the policy,” said Dr. Friday.

He further added, “It is not a situation that we choose. The point of the matter is really a situation where both countries Taiwan and mainland China have established that if you have relations with one you do not have relations with the other”.

Last year, this country marked 36 years of relations with Taiwan and Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves said that his Unity Labour Party (ULP) administration is committed to maintaining ties with the Taiwanese.

He noted that we have benefited in many areas including education, agriculture and airport development.