13 students awarded GECCU scholarships
July 20, 2018

13 students awarded GECCU scholarships

THIRTEEN STUDENTS have joined the ranks of 256 others to receive assistance from the General Employees’ Cooperative Credit Union (GECCU) scholarship programme.

This year’s award ceremony was held on Wednesday at the Kingstown Methodist Church Hall, under the theme “Author of Your Destiny”.

Dr Mineva Glasgow, chairperson of the scholarship committee said that 13 scholarships were awarded this year instead of the usual 12, because of the performance of the students.

“I wish to congratulate the 13 students who are receiving the award today,” she said. “Certainly, this year was very competitive. When I look at the mark differential, in some cases it was just a point two percent.”

Dr Niyan Fraser, guest speaker and past GECCU scholar, told recipients that the programme has grown significantly since he received his scholarship 25 years ago.

Fraser expressed feeling a connection to this year’s theme and told students of his dream to travel and how it translated into his studying and working in countries like Barbados, Costa Rica, Sweden, and Australia.

“I completed my PhD last year. It took me 17 years to kind of find myself,” he said. “If I had not followed my own dreams, designed my own path and

decide what I wanted to do, then I never would’ve had these experiences.”

Fraser told students that it was their turn to start their own journeys, and he encouraged them to not let anyone else determine their passion in life.

He offered advice on how to achieve goals, and he said that persons should be open-minded, think outside of the box, come to terms with making sacrifices, be patient and work hard.

Christian Gieowarsingh, who is this country’s top CPEA performer for 2018, delivered the scholar’s response on behalf of the other awardees.

Gieowarsingh expressed gratitude to GECCU for providing financial assistance for the “second chapter of our academic journey.”

“Being that our needs are many, this grant helps us greatly. Your moral and financial support would have an impact on each one of us,” he said. “We recognize how your organization has enhanced the lives of so many of our vibrant citizens through the years. We also acknowledge your untiring support and mission to improve the lives of young people throughout St Vincent and the Grenadines.”

In addition to the 13 scholarships awarded this year, 120 students received bursaries from the credit union.