Thirty-one adults graduate from four skills training  programmes
July 6, 2018

Thirty-one adults graduate from four skills training programmes

Thirty-one persons have graduated from the St Vincent and the Grenadines School of Continuing Education with certificates in four different skill sets.

The graduation, which was held last Saturday at the Faith Temple Church at New Montrose, was held under the theme, “Success: The Sum of Positive Efforts Repeated.”

Feature speaker, Justice Esco Henry told graduands that success is not achieved by doing one single task.

“Anyone who desires to succeed in anything must approach the task at hand with positive, committed and a determined mindset combined with a willingness to undertake each required task in a structured and orderly manner. Anything less is going to jeopardize a successful outcome,” she said.

The judge said the graduands chose to do their courses because they wanted to be better than where they were currently in life. Henry added that the skills learned had the potential to help them reach their highest potential.

Feature speaker, Justice Esco Henry

In her address, Sylvia Gould, the school’s chief executive officer said that the 31 graduands completed courses in basic garment drafting and construction, caring for the older adult, early childhood education and introduction to auto body repair.

Sylvia Gould, CEO of the SVGSCE

“I take this opportunity to congratulate all students who successfully completed their courses in spite of personal, financial, and other challenges. We know there were many. Students came all the way from Spring Village in the North Leeward and Sandy Bay from North Windward,” Gould said.

“You did well and have all reason to be proud of yourselves. You did not give up but used the positives in your situation to propel you on. I can’t say congratulations enough times.”
The valedictory address was delivered by Sharmara Glasgow, who completed the early childhood education course.

Glasgow reflected on the experience of the past semester, describing it as challenging and time consuming.

However, she told graduands that it was an example that they could achieve anything through God.

“All we have to do is make the decisions of what we want to achieve, take the necessary steps and stick to these decisions,” the valedictorian said. “We did not only achieve a certificate at the end of the three months, we gained so much more. We have developed friendships, partnerships and a wide network.”

This was the third graduation exercise held by the SVG School of Continuing Education. Registration is open for anyone wishing to participate in the upcoming semester.