Media entities join forces to live stream Vincy Mas
July 6, 2018

Media entities join forces to live stream Vincy Mas

Two media entities have come together to provide free Live streaming of the uptown street parades on Carnival Monday and Tuesday.

Regis “Splectron” Williams, who was voted Best Videographer in the Best of SVG 2018 campaign has partnered with SEARCHLIGHT to showcase the J’Ouvert morning street jump up, the Monday afternoon street jam and the Mardi Gras up town street parade.

Viewers will be provided the Live stream free of charge with the compliments of FLOW, Carib Beer, KFC and Tus-t Water.

“This is my way of saying thanks to Vincentians and I wanted to do so in partnership with SEARCHLIGHT because of the great work they’ve been doing with the Best of SVG initiative. Small business owners like myself are being recognized and marketed on a platform that we otherwise would not have had the means to be promoted on,” Splectron said.

Karen James, SEARCHLIGHT’s marketing and advertising executive said her company was happy to partner with Splectron to bring the creativity and vibrancy of the premiere Vincentian festival to people all over the world.

The Live stream may be accessed via the link: (best viewed with a Chrome browser) or from Searchlight’s Facebook page –
Persons may also download the “Anything Vincy” app from the Google Play Store to Android devices to watch the stream and to be on stand by for the broadcasts.

On J’Ouvert morning, July 9, the Live stream will be from 5:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., while the afternoon street jam will be broadcast from 3:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The uptown street parade on Tuesday will be broadcast from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.