June 26, 2018

Small Circle crowned again

Antonio ‘Small Circle’ Edwards has won his second competition for Vincy Mas 2018. The ‘Egg Plant’ artiste was crowned Windward Soca Monarch at the Chili Hard Court on Sunday night, having gained the judges nod over 25 other artistes.

This was his second musical achievement over the weekend, as on Saturday, June 23, he sang his way into the National Soca Monarch finals where he will test his skills against seasoned performers like Delroy ‘Fireman’ Hooper and Gamal ‘Skinny Fabulous’ Doyle.

“It was a good experience winning. As a new artiste, competition is new to me, so every win is going to bring an exciting feeling. To see people liking my art is good a feeling,” an emotional Small Circle told SEARCHLIGHT. Small Circle was crowned the ‘Shell Down Boss’ on June 16 at Black Rave.

He said he was still basking in that glory when he won the Windward Soca Monarch crown on Sunday. He is also still elated to have been selected for the National Soca Monarch finals slated for Saturday July 7. “…Is like boy, this is something I have been dreaming about a while now and to be competing against the big dogs in Soca Monarch, I feel excited because to be the best, you have to beat the best,” said Small Circle who is from the north Windward village of Overland.

He was rewarded with EC$1500, a free music video recording, studio time to record a song and a trophy. Coming in second in Sunday’s event was ‘Phase’ with ‘Cock After That’ while Joel ‘Tha Fugitive’ Bibby was third with ‘Fire Bomb’.

The competition was organised by Delroy ‘Fireman’ Hooper and Recardo ‘Recka’ Wilson.