Hearing impaired Vincentians fitted with hearing aids
June 22, 2018

Hearing impaired Vincentians fitted with hearing aids

Close to 200 Vincentians with hearing impediments have been fitted with free hearing aids and batteries for life.

The mission, which took place last Saturday at the Arnos Vale hard court was made possible through the partnership of the Rotary Club St Vincent South with the Starkey Hearing Foundation, a US organisation that provides “the gift of hearing” to those that cannot afford the ongoing expense of hearing aids and batteries.

“We are overwhelmed by the generosity of the Starkey Hearing Foundation, and are truly blessed to be a part of this experience,” said Kim Haydock, the president of the Rotary Club South.

A press release from the Rotary Club South said that 40 Vincentian nurses and volunteers took part in a two-day training programme where they learned to assess, test, fit, educate and counsel the hearing-impaired.

And during Saturday’s mission, antibiotics were also prescribed to those with ear infections.

The release stressed the Rotary Club South’s mission to provide service to Vincentians in an effort to improve lives and uplift communities in St Vincent and the Grenadines.

“We have other ambitious projects in mind for the future, but we need more volunteers to realise these dreams. We would encourage anyone who has a passion and commitment for helping those in need to reach out to us and become a Rotarian,” said Haydock.

At the closing mission dinner, William Austin, the Foundation’s CEO presented Haydock and the health minister, Luke Browne with awards for their support and dedication in helping Starkey deliver hearing care to the people of St Vincent and the Grenadines.

A patient at Saturday’s mission at Arnos Vale having her ears checked by volunteers.

The Starkey Hearing Foundation has carried out similar missions in over 100 countries including Dominica, St Lucia, St Kitts and Nevis and Jamaica. And they are expected to return in the future to follow up with current patients and to continue their mission in this country.