GHS past students donate  to NKFS
June Joshua (right) hands over donation to Dr Adrian Fraser, chairman of the Norma Keizer Scholarship Foundation. At left is Clare Keizer, the Foundation’s secretary.
June 22, 2018

GHS past students donate to NKFS

A trio of past students of the St Vincent Girls’ High School has donated $1000 to the Norma Keizer Scholarship Foundation Incorporated.

The Foundation, which was launched in 2015, grants scholarships and bursaries to students to attend secondary and post-secondary educational institutions.

The donation was made on Tuesday by June Joshua, who said that she usually reads about the Foundation online and wanted to be a part of keeping it going.

“We’ve decided that every year, we want to give EC$1000 to keep it going,” Joshua said while referring to the other donors, May Davy and Janet Sutherland.

“We were so fond of her,” Joshua said, of Norma Keizer, in whose honour the Foundation was established.

Dr Adrian Fraser, the chairman of the Foundation thanked Joshua and her friends for their donation.

“It is very difficult raising funds but we try to give as many scholarships as possible,” Fraser said.

To date, the Foundation has awarded eight full seven-year scholarships and 12 one-off bursaries to students entering secondary school as well as one three-year University bursary. The recipients are all outstanding students who have gained entry to educational institutions but whose limited financial resources may restrict their ability to maximize the opportunities presented.

The Norma Keizer Scholarship Foundation Incorporated was established by Interactive Media Limited (IML), the parent company of SEARCHLIGHT newspaper. Norma Keizer, who died in 2013, was the newspaper’s first editor. Prior to her career in journalism, Keizer was an educator for 36 years, 35 of which was spent at the Girls’ High School as a teacher and later, the headmistress.

All funds donated to the Foundation go directly to assisting students as the administrative overheads of the Foundation are absorbed by Interactive Media Ltd. More information may be found at