Lucky customer wins free KFC for a month
June 19, 2018

Lucky customer wins free KFC for a month

Brandon Frederick will be enjoying free KFC for an entire month.

He is the winner of a campaign launched by KFC on April 20 in which customers were encouraged to enter the draw by writing their name and e-mail address on the back of their receipt and dropping it in the boxes provided at both KFC locations.

The campaign ended on Friday, June 8 with a LIVE in-store draw at KFC Kingstown which was broadcast Live via KFC St Vincent’s Facebook & Instagram Pages. A random customer who was present at the live draw picked Frederick as the lucky winner.

When asked how he felt about winning free KFC for a month, Frederick jokingly said: “Hungry!” .

He went on further to say “ I feel happy, Elated!”

Three consolation prize winners were also selected; Mary-Paula Frankov, Joann Jackson and Romancia Jordan who won gifts from KFC.

A release from KFC said the company continues to give back to their loyal customers with many “fantastic prizes & give-aways throughout the Carnival Season and a Back-to-school promotion.