Safiya sacrifices  television for success
Safiya Andrews
June 15, 2018

Safiya sacrifices television for success

Sacrifice was a major key to 11-year-old Safiya Andrews’ success in the 2018 Caribbean Primary Exit Assessment (CPEA).

The Calliaqua Anglican School student placed fourth among the girls and sixth overall with a percentage of 93.8.

“I feel very happy and proud,” Andrews said. “I had to sacrifice a lot of things, like the TV and tablet, and I did a lot of extra work with my grandmother who is also a teacher at the same school.”

The daughter of Safern Andrews and Cleron Fredericks said she also went to extra lessons and used the Internet to research material that she did not understand.

“I would advise students who are going to sit the exam next year and other years to study hard, pay attention in class and do a lot of extra work,” Andrews, who hopes to attend the Girls’ High School, said.

It is her dream to become a doctor so she can help people who are sick and in need of medical attention.

Corsel Smith, principal of the Calliaqua Anglican School revealed that they had recoreded an over 97 per cent pass rate for CPEA this year.

She told SEARCHLIGHT that she was ecstatic when she learned that one of her students placed in the top 10.

The principal added that Safiya is among many students at the primary school who demonstrated potential to take one of the top spots.

“That is a very high achievement for this year. I’m happy that she did it. We will try next year to do greater things,” Smith said.

Andrews is one of three students who placed 6th overall in this year’s CPEA. The other students are Gianna Stapleton and Fayth Cambridge from the St. Mary’s Roman Catholic School.