Rural Carnivals in full swing
June 12, 2018

Rural Carnivals in full swing

Chairman of the Carnival Development Corporation (CDC) Ricardo “Ricky” Adams is happy with the way Vincy Mas has gone so far.

“I don’t know that this early in the season that we have ever had this many songs out. I got a thumb drive over the weekend (of May 11) with 129 soca songs already released as of May 10th and we are really happy about that,” Adams told SEARCHLIGHT during an interview at Mariners Hotel in Villa.

Adams said the calypso tents got off to a great start and the rural carnivals were in full swing, while the Mas bands have indicated they were doing fine with a few of them having sold out sections early.

“The stage at Victoria Park, we are doing a couple different things. The preparation in the park is going well and tickets are ready for release for the various shows. The flyers are out and the advertising is out and there is a real buzz for Vincy Mas,” Adams added.

The CDC chairman encouraged Vincentians to support the events as the country, and not the CDC, benefits.

“I think we are really in a good position this year and it is for us as a nation now to ensure that when people come to see [and enjoy] this product, Vincy Mas, … that we will put our best foott forward,” he added.

He explained that one of the areas that had brought him great satisfaction so far this year was the junior calypsonians, who came out early, and the CDC was trying to give them opportunities to perform.

Eight-time Soca Monarch Delroy ‘fireman’ Hooper (left) introduces six-time Soca champion Gamal ‘Skinny Fabulous’ Doyle to rum from his ‘rum pipe’ at Georgetown Carnival over the weekend.

“Coupled with the new school bands project, I think that is a fantastic opportunity for us to push and promote the junior part of the festival because unless we continue to invest in the juniors, the relics like me will fall off and we will have nobody there to replace us. So I am really excited at what has been happening at the junior level also.”