NDP sister parties offer advice and encouragement
Left: Leader of the Dominica Freedom Party Kent Vital, Right: Member of Parliament and Deputy Speaker Anthony Boatswain of the Grenada New National Party
June 5, 2018

NDP sister parties offer advice and encouragement

Representatives from sister parties of the New Democratic Party (NDP) in Dominica and Grenada took the stage at the Convention Rally held at Greiggs last weekend, to deliver words of advice, and encouragement.

The regional guests were among the many speakers that took the microphone, to address the throng of yellow, at the Greiggs Primary School on Sunday afternoon.
Member of Parliament (MP), and Deputy Speaker in the Parliament of Grenada, Anthony Boatswain, of the ruling New National Party (NNP), started his speech, with praise for the elected NDP executive, and Friday.

“I believe that this is a team that truly reflects the realities of the situation in St Vincent, and that of your political leader who is well known to be a true nationalist, a man who is committed to nation building,” Boatswain intoned.

He continued, “He is not only a true nationalist, but he is a Caribbean man, he is a regionalist my friends… Dr Godwin Friday truly understands the challenges facing our country at this time in our history my friends, challenges that demands that we as Caribbean people come together.”

The MP reflected on the start of his own party, and its journey from winning only two seats, to taking a clean sweep, falling back down, and taking a clean sweep again.

Most recently he indicated, “On the 13th of March my friends, 2018, you know what? We swept the polls again, they say nah, nah, nah, you guys making obeah, that can’t be right, that is obeah. Well my friends if that is obeah, I’ll tell you how to make obeah today.”

“Yeah tell us! Tell us!” the crowd chanted.

“Make sure you have proper organization…make sure that in every village, you have functioning village groups,…and your youth arm are functioning my friends,” and a relationship with social partners, he answered.

He ended with saying, “Politics is like a roller coaster, sometimes you’re up, and sometimes you’re down, but remember that in every defeat, you will find the seeds of success, you just have to know how to nurture them my friends.”

Leader of the Dominica Freedom Party (DFP), Kent Vital, on the contrary started his speech by pleading with the crowd.

Crowd of supporters at the New Democratic Party Rally held at Greiggs Primary School last Sunday

“As a Christian people when I vote, I vote based on what is right, what is correct, what is good, what is honourable, not because I am part of the New Democratic Party, or not just because I am part of a group that receives certain benefits because my party is in power, but I have to be an honourable person,” he asked.

Speaking as an economist, he indicated that what was needed for the country to prosper was simply planning, good governance, and a lack of corruption.

“Let me tell you…corruption hurts us… All it takes sometimes to get what we want is for there to be a lack of corruption, and this issue of corruption has affected many, many, many of our countries,” he stated.

“When you have politicians that are dishonorable, they can create havoc. When we have politicians that care more about ourselves than the people, they can create havoc, and therefore we still need to keep each others back,” he continued.

He stated firmly, “That’s why I could not resist but coming here. How could I stay quiet when I see attempts to destroy democracy? The same attempts I see in my own country, is the same things I see here in St Vincent. I cannot stay quiet, and I will not stay quiet.”

He left the stage with this message, and introduced Leader of the Opposition Dr Godwin Friday, who spoke after him, with the highest of praise, saying, “I will tell you something about Dr Friday, when I first met him, I felt almost …and you are a Christian nation so you would be familiar with this verse…’Now here is a genuine son of Israel, a man of complete integrity.’ A genuine man of the soil, a genuine Vincy, and a man of complete integrity. That’s the kind of man that I’m looking forward to working with in the Caribbean to lift our countries to higher heights, I thank you.”

Other speakers at Sunday’s rally were Senator Kay Bacchus-Baptiste and prospective representative for South Central Windward Israel Bruce, a favourite with the Greiggs crowd. Former leader of the NDP Arhnim Eustace, vice presidents Roland Matthews, and Major St Clair Leacock and representative for the Southern Grenadines, Terrance Ollivierre, also addressed the gathering.