SVGCC launches Waste Management Project
May 5, 2017

SVGCC launches Waste Management Project

The St Vincent and the Grenadines Community College has taken decisive action in developing and improving its waste management techniques. On Wednesday, April 26, the college launched the St Vincent and the Grenadines Community College (SVGCC) Waste Management Project with funding from the Australian Direct Aid Programme.

The newly launched Waste Management Project has two phases.

Phase 1: A Comprehensive Recycling Programme

* The initial stages of this phase will focus on the reduction of waste material through the proper separation of waste, which can lead to a more sustainable and cleaner environment. It will also place emphasis on effective policy drafting and implementation to effect change in stakeholders’ strategy and attitude toward waste management.

Phase 2: Composting and Backyard Gardens on Campus

* With its various campuses and extensive grounds, the college produces a plethora of organic materials, such as grass cuttings and remains of food from its cafeterias. As such, a composting site at the Villa campus will greatly serve to reduce the amount of organic material which is disposed in the general garbage and ultimately ends up at the country’s landfills.

This project, however, is not an isolated one. As part of the South Coast Marine Area, the college, in tandem with its social partner, National Parks, is working toward the same goal – the protection and conservation of the South Coast Marine Area.

The launch, chaired by Geography lecturer Allanson Cruickshank, was followed by an overview of the project and its impact on the South Coast Marine Area by project coordinator Nerline Ballantyne – lecturer and Environmental Sustainability professional.

The director of the SVGCC, Nigel Scott, gave brief remarks, emphasizing the project’s fulfilment of one of the College’s strategic goals. He also highlighted its importance to the national and economic development plan.

The featured speaker at the launch was Winsbert Quow, manager at the Solid Waste Management Unit of the Central Water and Sewerage Authority. Quow congratulated the College on its work in fulfilling its environmental responsibility. However, he admonished the organizers of the project that enforcement of regulatory policies regarding proper waste management is an all important factor and failure to do this will hamper the efforts made. He emphasized that economic development should not come at the cost of environmental protection and conservation. The manager of the Solid Waste Management Unit cited Singapore’s development as a prime example of a small island whose economic prosperity did not come at the expense of environmental sustainability.

The featured address was followed by the presentation of certificates by the deputy director Eula Adams to students from both the Division of Arts, Sciences and General Studies (DASGS) and the Division of Technical and Vocational Education (DTVE), who were trained as environmental stewards. Certificates were also presented to two members of the maintenance staff who received training in composting from the Ministry of Agriculture.

The social partnership forged between the College and the National Parks was exhibited. Apart from the 10 bins procured through the funding from the Australian Direct Aid Programme, director of National Parks, Rivers and Beaches Authority Andrew Wilson handed over six heavy duty recycle bins as part of their commitment to the project and to the development of the South Coast area as a protected marine park.

To close the ceremony, the project’s resource officer, Juno La Borde, gave the vote of thanks, expressing gratitude to the various persons who assisted in the success of the launch.