Boys challenged to be responsible, not add to the problem – Pastor
March 10, 2017

Boys challenged to be responsible, not add to the problem – Pastor

Young men are very important and have a critical role to play in the well-being of our society.

The students of the St Vincent Grammar School were reminded of this by the Reverend Adolf Davis, during the launch of the school’s Young Leaders project last Tuesday at the school.

Davis, who was the featured speaker at the event, said that families where men are absent are at a disadvantage and have to struggle to “get on top of things.”

He challenged the boys as Young Leaders and young men to be responsible and not to add to the problem.

President of the 2017 young leaders Gian-Paul Baker said that their sub-theme: “Volunteering Together; an Impact Lasting Forever” truly represents what the Young Leaders hope to achieve. He said that although the group struggled to find what the impact of their project would be, they believe that they came close.

“After we have volunteered, the people may have forgot what we said; they may forget what we did, but they will not forget how we made them feel and that is the impact that we know we can achieve through this programme,” Baker told his classmates.

He said that they hope to not only impact those for whom they volunteer, but also hope that the programme can have impact on them as individuals. Baker added that the programme will help them to improve and obtain many new skills and virtues including: patience, teamwork, planning and leadership.

Past president and current head boy Shane Cadogan encouraged them to focus their attention on achieving the ultimate success of winning the competition.

“Nothing short of hard work would do. To win, each able and willing member this group must endeavour to work hard, focusing on the task ahead, if you hope to accomplish this goal.”

He said that during his stint as president he learned about time management, planning and working in teams.

Remarks were also made by the school’s deputy headmaster Alfred John and co-ordinating teacher Jason Alexis.

This year’s competition is being held under the theme: “I am We: Volunteering for impact”.