‘Drop Ah Dollar’ campaign raises over XCD$15,000
January 17, 2017

‘Drop Ah Dollar’ campaign raises over XCD$15,000

The “Drop Ah Dollar” campaign, which was launched almost four years ago by Fitzgerald Huggins, St Vincent and the Grenadines’ Consul General in Toronto, raised over XCD$15,000.

In a Facebook post, Huggins thanked Charise Williams, Vanessa Ackee and Niasha Gordon of the Bank of St Vincent and the Grenadines (BOSVG) for what he considered their patriotism and support in helping manage the initiative.

“Today, the final count from the bottle at the BOSVG was $1,667.25 which brings the total to over $15,000, since we started and stopped three years ago,” said Huggins.

He added, “I want to thank everyone who placed their trust in me and their money into those bottles and effectively has ownership of their airport.”

Last Friday at the AIA, Huggins handed over to Winston Wright, manager of ground handling and cargo services, sums totalling $2,449.25, $1,000 of which came from Dr Richard Byron Cox, a Vincentian residing in Germany.

The “Drop Ah Dollar” campaign, which was launched in March 2013, under the name “Every Dollar Counts”, is now closed.(LC)