January 13, 2017

Let’s show more respect for one another in SVG

Editor: First of all, let me congratulate the Hon Dr Godwin Friday on his elevation to both the Leader of the Opposition and president of the NDP. We know that it would not be an easy task for him. Nevertheless, I wish him all the best and hope that we would have a very strong Opposition.

Customer service by some companies in this country leaves much to be desired. However, there are many companies that offer good customer service. We cannot forget both Vinlec and CWSA for their good customer service.

FLOW is amongst the companies that offers poor customer service. Imagine if you report a fault or a problem, they would say that it cannot be fixed before 48 hours.Yet, in many cases, it takes more than specific time. It is often a vexing situation if your Internet gives problems and it is Saturday when it occurs. Well, those customers have to be prepared to wait all weekend until Tuesday before anything is done. On regular occasions the cable has to be reset. What if the person who owns the TV does not know how to do it? That person would have to wait sometimes some three working days. The list can go on with such a high-profile company.

To add insult to injury, there is not even an apology from them, far less compensation.

Let us hope that we would see an improvement in customer service in this country.

It is my prayer that, as a people, we would love one another. I would like to see an improvement in respect for one another and constraint.

As a people, may Christ become the centre of our lives and homes. For we are told that righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people, Proverbs 14: 34. If, as we people, the Lord plays little importance in our lives, then we would continue to go downhill.

Let us this year look to the Lord, for only He can help us. I wish that we would become a righteous people and not a religious people. Let us increase our prayer for each other and let peace reign.


Kennard King