Biabou resident wins 55 inch smart TV from FLOW
January 10, 2017

Biabou resident wins 55 inch smart TV from FLOW

Hetty Johnson is the winner of a 55 inch smart TV, compliments FLOW and their 2016 Christmas promotion.

Johnson collected her TV last week from FLOW’s marketing and communication executive Melissa Veira during a handing over ceremony at the company’s head office in Kingstown.

“It’s exciting to win something of this magnitude,” said the Biabou resident.

She said that is good to know that FLOW offers prizes of this nature during their promotions.

The Christmas promotion also had a number of other winners, as during the life of the promotion, persons who purchased cellular phones, paid their bill on time and in full, signed up for television and broadband services or the various bundled deals offered, were given the opportunity to write their Christmas wish on a piece of paper and drop it in FLOW’s wishing well.