January 6, 2017

Cultural Association of Vincies in US to hold AGM January 27

The Cultural Association of Vincentians in the United States of America (CAVUSA) will host its first Annual General meeting, on January 27, 2017.

The meeting, organized by SVG Diaspora Committee of New York (SVGDCNY), will be held at the Friends of Crown Heights Educational Center, 671 Prospect Place, Brooklyn, NY at 4.30 p.m. and will focus on updating the community on the progress made by CAVUSA since October 2015, when its steering committee was put into place.

Since inception, CAVUSA has assisted with launching Vincy Mas 2016 in New York; donated trophies to CDC for Vincy Mas 2016; and spearheaded the entertainment segment at the very successful inaugural SVG Heritage Awards held in New York. The organization will also present its 2017 to 2020 plan.

After the initial sip and chat, the opening ceremony will begin at 6 p.m. and will feature anthems of the host country, United States of America and St Vincent and the Grenadines.

The meeting will be chaired by the deputy chairperson of CAVUSA, Atiba Williams and will feature statements by SVG Consul General Howie Prince, president of COSAGO Laverne McDowald, chairperson of SVG Diaspora Committee of New York (SVGDCNY) Maxwell Haywood and CAVUSA’s chairperson Owusu Slater.

Through the duration of the function, attendees will be entertained with cultural performances, including steel pan, poem, dance, song and refreshments will be available.

The meeting will conclude with a summary by general secretary Francesca Sam.