Sandy residents need help in rebuilding lives
December 6, 2016

Sandy residents need help in rebuilding lives

Elson Hoyte of Sandy Bay, one of the many persons whose life is in total upheaval after the trough system that wreaked havoc on St Vincent and the Grenadines last week, is seeking assistance to rebuild his home and life.

“I lost all my possessions. I was totally destroyed by the Carow River,” Hoyte told SEARCHLIGHT last Saturday, from his temporary home at the

Sandy Bay Government School emergency shelter.{{more}}

Hoyte said that the Carow River rushed through his home, displacing his family, which includes two children.

“…two children was in the house and I was outside and the river overflow its banks and we try our best to rescue my uncle and everybody got out safe,” said Hoyte of the ordeal that left him homeless.

He noted also that other family members who do not live with him lost their homes and stressed that he was thank­ful to all the persons and organizations that have donated to the shelter so far.

Andre Billy, another person who was severely affected by the last week’s disaster, said that during the 2013 floods, raging river waters undermined his home and although it was repaired, the same thing happened last Tuesday.

He said that he needs a new location to rebuild, as it is not safe to go back to his home. (LC)