Woman says she found human fingernail in chicken patty
August 26, 2016

Woman says she found human fingernail in chicken patty

A Campden Park woman says that she is upset about the way she was treated by the management of the Allan Smith Family Bakery when she went to report an issue with a chicken patty she had purchased at the Campden Park establishment.

According to Roxanne Williams, on Thursday, August 25, around 7:35 a.m., she went into the bakery and bought a chicken patty for EC$3.{{more}} She said that she did not eat it right away, but went about her business.

Williams said that around 8 a.m., while eating the patty, she felt something hard in her mouth and when she checked, she realized that she had bitten a human fingernail. She said that the discovery made her vomit, after which she went back to the bakery to make a complaint.

Williams said that when she told a supervisor what had happened, he asked if she wanted back her money and she replied that it was not about the money, but about teaching staff about practising proper hygiene and other issues. Williams said also that she demanded to see the owner of the establishment, but was denied the opportunity to speak to Allan Smith.

“Someone went in the back to call him, but then they came back without him and said the message was that I should do what I want,” said Williams, who is of the opinion that the incident was dealt with very unprofessionally.

She said that the “do what you want” response made her report the incident to the media, the Public Health Department and Consumer Affairs.

Williams said that at one point, she had stopped supporting the establishment because of a bad experience and that she would stop once again.

“As a professional business, they should not make it go down that road. He refused to come talk to me after I vomit. I will never eat the products again,” stressed Williams.

When contacted, an employee of the bakery, who did not give her name, said that the owner was not in, but she observed the incident and in her opinion, Williams was being irrational.

She said that a supervisor was trying to deal with Williams, but she demanded to see the owner, who was not on the compound at the time.

According to the bakery employee, she gets the impression that Williams thought Smith was on the compound.

The employee stressed also that no one told Williams that she could do what she wants.

It was also mentioned that when issues like these arise, customers usually demand unreasonable sums of money.(LC)