August 9, 2016
Safety tips for boat operators
The St Vincent and the Grenadines Coast Guard Service is advising boat operators to adhere to the following Boating Safety recommendations:
- 1. Check the local weather forecasts before going out to sea.
- 2. Wear a Personal Flotation Device. Bring a life jacket for everyone on board.
- 3. Take along water, at least one gallon per person and enough food for a few days (dry food).{{more}}
- 4. Take along a compass, signalling device (flare, mirror), watertight torchlight and spare batteries and a radar reflector which will assist in detection by other vessels fitted with radar.
- 5. Slow down in rough seas or when making sharp turns.
- 6. Paint your boat in bright colours which can easily be seen.
- 7. Donât drink alcoholic beverages and go fishing or boating. Stay sober, operating a boat under the influence is illegal and potentially dangerous to everyone.
- 8. Take a Marine VHF DSC Radio. Cell phones are helpful, but the Coast Guard does not recommend their use as main communication device. Cell phones may not obtain signals while out at sea. We recommend that you invest in a VHF radio, preferably a VHF Digital Selective Calling (DSC) Radio that offers a stronger signal and is monitored by the Coast Guard (channels 16 and 70) and other boat operators.
- 9. File a Float Plan before you leave for sea and share it with someone. Tell someone where you are going, how long you intended to stay and when you are expected back. Leave a written plan of the details of your intended voyage, your boat description, call sign, cell number, crew/passengers information, location and expected time back. Upon departure and return it is wise to tell the marina, Coast Guard, family or friends that you have departed or returned safely.
- 10. Get your boat checked before you head out. Check with the Coast Guard, Fisheries Department, Fishermenâs Co-operative, Fishermen or other Boaters for a Vessel Safety Check; remember they might see things which could have been overlooked by you or your crew.
- 11. Take Boating Safety classes. Everyone can only benefit from a refresher course in boating safety. Groups can contact the Coast Guard for Boating Safety tips.
- 12. Cover your boat when not in use. Make sure your bilge pumps are operational and fitted with an automatic switch because heavy rains combined with wind driven waves can add weight to boats to the extent that they may sink within hours.
- 13. Watch for large waves and debris. Large waves can and do carry debris that can damage boats.
- 14. Carry an alternative means of propulsion (sails/oars).
- 15. Get familiar with applicable rules and regulations. A range of boating safety rules and regulations, such as the Power Craft Act, SOLAS and Rules of the Road, can only assist you to make wise and safe decisions at sea.
- 16. Practice the 1/3 Rule. Remember 1/3 of your fuel to get you to your destination, 1/3 to bring you back and 1/3 reserve for unplanned fuel consumption.
- 17. Assist other boaters who are in distress.