July 15, 2016

CDC open to suggestions, ideas to improve Vincy Mas

Persons with ideas about what the Carnival Development Corporation (CDC) can do to improve Vincy Mas are free to present the ideas to Carnival’s governing body.

“The CDC continually maintains an open-door policy in this regard. We say that each year, but nothing ever comes forward, other than ‘the CDC there too long’, ‘the CDC need fresh ideas;’ go ahead and bring those ideas,” stressed chair of the CDC Dennis Ambrose, while speaking at a post-Vincy Mas press conference, which was held at Victoria Park on Tuesday.{{more}}

Ambrose said that despite the success of the nation’s premier festival, the usual criticisms came, particularly regarding the attendance at shows like Dimanche Gras and Mardi Gras.

The CDC chair said as it relates to Dimanche Gras on Sunday, July 3, numerous competing events gave people wider choices.

This year the annual all-inclusive ‘Slippery When Wet’ beach party at Mt Wynne and another all-inclusive event called Isle Ivre at Young Island gave competition to Dimanche Gras, at which the calypso finals and king and queen of the bands competitions are held.

“It is not for a lack of marketing nor promotion. We believe that the younger people of the society are more set on feting rather than sitting to hear or watch competition shows on that night, when they are typically preparing for the jump-up at J’Ouvert,” opined Ambrose.

The chair added that it seems as if the Pay-per-View option to view these shows at home, which was intended to bring the shows to the housebound, has also taken away from attendance.

“Maybe there is still a formula somewhere out there to counter this. We haven’t found it yet. This is an opportunity for the younger people to bring that magic formula to the CDC and stick around to see it implemented, with success at the end,” said Ambrose.

As it relates to Mardi Gras, Ambrose noted that the CDC suggested that since the Victoria Park is no longer appealing to viewers for the parade of the bands, that the masqueraders take to the streets where the multitude of persons gather to see the costumes.

He said that while this format was agreed upon in principle, the decision was reversed and now, persons have again seen the true reality of the situation, “which was the embarrassing experience of having 13 Mas Bands come to the Victoria Park to parade in front of some 300 or so spectators while the streets were packed with people.”

Ambrose stressed that it is not that ideas are lacking, “but sometimes consensus and cooperation is difficult to achieve.”

Speaking about J’Ouvert activities, Ambrose noted that this year lacked some of the major players who backed out at the last minute, at which time it was late and difficult for the CDC to fill that void.

“So this activity needs to be revisited, and needs to have a more serious commitment to keep this tradition entrenched in Vincy Mas,” said Ambrose who added also that the public also has some shared responsibility in the level of success of these events.

Ambrose commented that there are so many events in Carnival now, that regular sponsors feel stretched to support the number of activities and that even this aspect of organizing Vincy Mas may be due for some review to remain competitive in soliciting financial assistance.

“With the coming of the 40th Anniversary of the June-July Vincy Mas, the CDC would like to have the commitment that all areas of our Carnival should be enhanced, and with much attention and earlier planning. The Minister (Culture Minister Cecil McKie) has already expressed his desire to see early discussions, early planning and marketing of 2017 Carnival at home and abroad.

With the opening of the New Argyle International Airport, Vincy Mas is a great vehicle to bring in a bounty of visitors and returning nationals,” stressed Ambrose.(LC)