Tammy Kirby Toy Drive: puts smiles on faces of Rose Place children
A former resident of Rose Place, Kingstown, who now resides in the United States, was able to put smiles on the faces of the children of her former neighbourhood last week.
Tammy Kirby, now a resident of Brooklyn, New York, told SEARCHLIGHT on Wednesday that after making a donation to the Urban League community group in September, she thought it would be good to do something for the children of Rose Place (also known as Bottom Town) for Christmas.
“In September, I sent some bags to the Urban League; I sent a barrel to Urban League for the kids’ summer programme and I saw the excitement on the kids’ faces receiving the book bags and I said you know what, ‘it would be good if I go do something for Bottom Town where I came from’.
“…So I decided to ask for donations from some of the residents from down there and I collected two barrels and I sent them for the Christmas,” she continued.
Kirby also noted that because most of the children in that area come from low income homes, she thought her gift would put smiles on their faces.
“…because it’s a very low, poor area and a lot of people couldn’t afford, I know, to give the kids gifts. So I said you know what, it would be good if I could put a little smile on a child’s face, getting a Christmas gift from overseas.”
Kirby also stated that she would like to make additional donations in the future.
“…This year I plan to do something for the Lewis Punnett home and the Mental Home…. In the future, I’m planning on doing more donations for West Kingstown in particular, because that is where I was born and raised.”
On Wednesday, December 30, Melicia Serieux and Susan Llewellyn delivered the gifts to the children of Rose Place on behalf of Kirby.(CM)