Argyle Aviation donates vehicle to Cancer Society
June 5, 2015

Argyle Aviation donates vehicle to Cancer Society

Argyle Aviation Inc, in conjunction with Mustique Airways, has handed over a vehicle to the SVG Medical Association, which will be raffled as part of its Breast Cancer Awareness Programme.{{more}}

The programme is specifically to assist breast cancer patients financially, to go towards treatment, management of the disease, and other related costs.

A Hyundai Tucson is up for grabs, with tickets priced at $10 each. A book of six tickets will cost $50. Additionally, the winner of the vehicle will also have his/her license and insurance paid for a year.

Dr Rosalind Ambrose, president of the Association, said that she is confident that the raffle will generate its intended financial target, and encouraged members of the public to support the worthy cause.

“This is a great step forward to help many more… in any one year we are able to support about five to eight persons with airlines tickets.”

The raffle will be drawn on Friday, October 16, at the end of the breast cancer awareness walk.

The Association has helped several women over previous years with the cost of medical treatment for breast cancer, and is keen to continue doing so in the future.

Marcus Dabriel, representing Argyle Aviation Inc and Mustique Airways, said: “We have seen the need of assisting the less fortunate women in St Vincent and the Grenadines… we think that this is a worthwhile donation that we are doing here and it will go a long way.

“We have committed to do this for two years, so there is going to be another vehicle come next year… We are encouraging all to help, to support.”

The Association puts on several fund-raising events throughout the year on an annual basis – including the Pink Day sale, where pink-coloured merchandise and other paraphernalia are sold to the public.(JSV)