Winner in Courts Valentine’s Day promotion receives prize
February 17, 2015

Winner in Courts Valentine’s Day promotion receives prize

Customer of Courts St Vincent Ltd Annetta Antoine received bonus gifts yesterday, when she was named the winner of the furniture and appliance company’s Valentine’s Day promotion.{{more}}

Antoine, who resides in Brighton, purchased a Samsung Galaxy Tablet during the campaign, and for her purchase, she became the winner of a romantic dinner for two at the Paradise Beach Hotel, Swedish massages for two at the Bamboo Spa, two bottles of French wine and of course, chocolate.

The housewife said that she was quite elated when she received the news that she had won the prize, after being a long-time customer of the store.

“It was a total and welcomed surprise to me. I’ve been shopping at Courts for a long time and it was great to win something, especially at this time of the year.

Antoine said that the prize is well received and she intends to take full advantage of them and enjoy them with her significant other.

Antoine also commended her Courts customer service representative for the service she received, pointing out that she gave her an “A plus” for service.