Resident – Bad construction should be  remedied as soon as possible
September 23, 2014

Resident – Bad construction should be remedied as soon as possible

A resident of the government housing development where a house collapsed last week says that immediate action should be taken, if further home implosions are to be averted.

The resident, who spoke to SEARCHLIGHT on the condition {{more}}of anonymity, recommended that works be done on a proper drainage system and what was considered “bad construction” should be remedied as soon as possible.

The resident said that despite a good concept of a housing system and relatively good work, the absence of a proper drainage system cancels out all that was done.

“I think if they don’t remedy the situation as soon as possible in terms of the water and drainage situation, things are going to happen, because there are other houses like [name mentioned] up there; she is in a very precarious position and so on….

“Some people are still shaken up and worried and are trying to get over what happened. They are angry because they have made many reports and nobody ever came to see what they were talking about; letters were written and so on…,” the resident said.

The resident claimed to have been at home when his neighbour’s house collapsed, telling SEARCHLIGHT that shortly before the collapse, another resident came by saying that a house was “up there making noise like it going to fall down.” Then about two minutes later, there was a huge explosion, as the house swayed and came down from its columns.

According to the resident, the neighbours feel pity for their fellow homeowner, and most are upset, since they believe the possibility that the tragedy could have been avoided was great.

“I think it’s a very terrible situation. I feel for her and I think things are going to be better with her, but it’s a real sad situation the way things happen, knowing that she complained about it and nobody took steps to look after her complaints and so on.

“On the same day Dr Douglas went in, one of the other homeowners went in there also and nothing was done. It’s a terrible situation there, with shaking and cracks and a lot of water running through her yard and so on.

“The other neighbours are complaining because some of them have cracks, and some of them are shaking and now that the rain is coming there is a lot of water problems.

“I have a blocked drain and when the rain comes a lot of water comes into my yard.”

Yesterday, Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves spoke on radio, saying that steps would be taken to assist Douglas, and any other homeowner who needs structural assistance in the area.

Douglas’ neighbour said that if this is done, the fears of many residents would be alleviated. The person expressed hope that work would begin as quickly as possible at the development.