Ministry of Health receives medical supplies from Canada
July 18, 2014

Ministry of Health receives medical supplies from Canada

The Ministry of Health was last week the recipient of a 40-foot container filled with medical supplies from organizations and individuals in Canada.

Fitzgerald Huggins, this country’s Consul General to Canada, facilitated the donation of these items in collaboration {{more}}with other Vincentians and groups.

Apart from the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital, items were also distributed to rural hospitals, clinics, and individuals in various communities.

Minister of Health Clayton Burgin indicated that he was delighted to accept the items on behalf of the institutions, and also thanked the donors, and Huggins for making the contribution possible.

Burgin said that he and his ministry would be grateful for more collaborations of this nature.

“It is pleasing when we have our Vincentian brothers and sisters who have migrated to other countries, and they are looking for ways and means of advancing the development of St Vincent and the Grenadines.

“They are looking to see what they can contribute to this country, and we are a grateful for that.”

Acting on behalf of the Consulate, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment Luis deShong made symbolic presentations to Burgin, as well as to Hospital Administrator Grace Walters, and Senior Nursing Officer Rosita King.

Presentations were also made to other community leaders, who would present items to needy persons in different communities around the island.

Some of the items donated included mattresses, blood pressure machines, an infant intensive care system, walkers, steel beds, examination beds, shower chairs, pans, stethoscopes, and other medical supplies.(JJ)