Aaron gives thanks to God for 3rd place
June 20, 2014

Aaron gives thanks to God for 3rd place

When Aaron Horne-Isaacs heard that he had tied for third place in

the recent Caribbean Primary Exit Assessment (CPEA), he went to say

his prayers.

The 11-year-old student of the Union Methodist Primary School (also known as the New Grounds Government School) said he was thankful to God {{more}}for giving him the ability to get the good grades he received, and also thanked his teachers and parents for guidance.

He received 92 for Language Arts, 94 for Mathematics, and 94 for Science, in the external examinations, and, calculated with his internal scores, tied him with his classmate D’Angelo Dick for third overall, who scored 92, 88, 92 respectively on his external exams.

“I felt great. It was something I expected because I studied hard and I came in the top three for my tests at school,” the youngster told SEARCHLIGHT.

“They were all easy for me, but I had some trouble with the class work, especially the writing profiles,” he added.

Aaron says he is looking forward to his life as a secondary school student, and will be attending the St Vincent Grammar School, where his older brother is already a student.

The philosophical lad also had words of advice for future CPEA students,

“You have to study very hard, listen to your teachers and parents and ask for God’s guidance.

“If you want something, you have to set good goals and you will achieve great things and great success.”(JJ)